adriel rodriguez
Pre-B Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Adriel is the sweetest little 3 year old. He was diagnosed at 2 years old with Leukemia.
At the end of November 2020, my whole family got sick with COVID. During that time, we noticed Adriel started looking really pale and he had swollen lymph nodes behind his ears. We waited the recommended 14 days to be able to take him to his pediatrician to get some blood work. At the time, he was normal – full of energy, but his skin color and lymph nodes were concerning.
On December 5th we got a call from his pediatrician telling us his red blood count was low and white blood cell count was high and he had to get a blood transfusion immediately. We had to rush to him to the Children’s Hospital. At the hospital the doctor told us there was a possibility he could have cancer – which was hard to believe since he was acting completely normal. On December 7th he was officially diagnosed with Pre-B Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia and started his treatment.
The first two months were tough on him but after those two months he was himself again; playing all day and full of energy. He has been so strong his whole treatment, he is a little superhero.
– Yesenia Tellez