Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Hero

adriel rodriguez

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL)


Adriel loved being outdoors playing in the dirt and loved spending time on his swing. He always loved playing with super hero action figures, Iron man was his favorite.

Adriel had no symptoms before getting diagnosed, he was acting normal. We noticed he was looking a little pale and yellow and had swollen lymph nodes behind his ear. We took him to the pediatrician where they called us immediately to take him to the Emergency Room. His white blood cell counts were high and his red blood cells were low and he needed a transfusion immediately. That’s when everything took a turn and just a day after we received the news he had CANCER of the blood.  

His cancer diagnosis affected him a lot in the beginning, he couldn’t walk and he had to learn to walk all over again. It really affected his sisters since they couldn’t understand why their brother was gone for so long in the hospital and why we would hardly be home. Having to tell his siblings was really tough . Now Adriel is all done with treatment and is doing great!


-Yesenia Tellez, mother

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