Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Hero

ayren hall

Bilateral Wilms


Ayren’s favorite things were Paw Patrol, Big Hero 6 (especially Baymax) and Legos. His love for Legos began right before diagsnosis. 

He started to have recurring fevers and ear infections. He was still in diapers, and Mom stood over him during a changing one day and noticed his stomach was larger on one side. When she pressed on his tummy it was a little firm in one area. She immediately made a doctors appointment and from there things happened really fast. He was diagnosed with Bilateral Wilms Tumor at only 2 years old and he entered treatment right away.

The diagnosis was very traumatic and difficult to navigate for the family. Ayren is not a fan of going to any doctors offices and is extremely timid in a hospital setting. He is now 11 years old and out of treatment. 

– Brandy Hall, mother

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