Childhood Cancer Awareness Month Hero

Oakley Quinonez

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia


Oakley was a tiny gymnast and a big lover of the outdoors before being diagnosed. She was always outside finding lizards or throwing rocks. She was also in gymnastics twice a week. Oakley had bruising all over her legs, yellow tinted skin and she was very lethargic. She was diagnosed after her eyes started to swell almost shut. After multiple doctors, ER, and urgent care visits her pediatrician had blood work done and her counts came back very low. Oakley went from loving to be outdoors to scared of almost everything that was new. We use to beg her to come inside and now we were starting to beg her to please go outside for fresh air. One thing it did do was force her to be less shy and she’s become so friendly and a social butterfly.

One thing I’ve learned watching Oakley go through her cancer treatments is that she’s so much stronger and more resilient than I ever thought she was, she’s a very petite sweet girl. I’ve also seen that no matter how hard it gets for her she always has the biggest smile and is a true testament that there is always a brighter side even in the darkest days. Today Oakley’s handling treatment very well! The entire ordeal has forced her once super shy personality to blossom and is now a social butterfly who loves to make friends with everyone! Cancers never taken her love of life and happy personality away. Oakley’s looking forward to being a normal kid and playing with friends regularly!

– Crystal Quinonez, mother

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